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Table of Champions

By Guest Contributor Audrey Bamford, Health Promotions Major at Liberty and heptathlete

It’s no secret that Liberty University trains Champions for Christ. But what fuels champions? The new Training Table at the Food Court at Reber-Thomas is one of the new additions to food services on campus. With menus created by Sodexo’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Robin Quay,  a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods such as lean, high-quality proteins and healthy fat sources are offered. There are also nutrient-dense carbohydrates including whole grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables to provide the energy needed for that competitive edge. All the meals serve correct portions of each food group, making healthy eating easy! The training table menu was formulated to meet the demands for the nourishment, training fuel and recovery for the school’s NCAA Division I athletes. However, the Training Table is open to the entire student body!

Training Table 1
Chicken lettuce wraps at the Training Table!

The balanced meals offered at the Training Table are complimented with a variety of resources to help students/athletes learn and understand about what is being served. Our fuel is top of the line! The nutrition content of every food item is displayed on large digital screens. This also includes a barcode that is linked to MyFitnessPal, an app where students can scan and track their daily food intake.

Soba noodle salad at the Training Table!
Soba noodle salad at the Training Table!

Be a champion! Start fueling and training your body to be a champion at the Training Table at the Food Court at Reber-Thomas!

Join us at the Training Table!
Join us at the Training Table!
Whole Grain Salad at the Training Table!
Whole Grain Salad at the Training Table!
Fish with pineapple salsa, Asian flavored brown rice and stir-fried vegetables at the Training Table!
Fish with pineapple salsa, Asian flavored brown rice and stir-fried vegetables at the Training Table!

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